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NJ Legislature Honors FIRST

Continued from the May 2007 Newsletter...

As she accepted the resolution on behalf of FIRST, Ms. McCoy stated, "As a global leader in health care, Johnson & Johnson understands the importance of a technologically skilled workforce. This resolution emphasizes that New Jersey is serious about motivating young people to prepare for careers in science and technology."

Maxine Ballen, founder and CEO of the New Jersey Technology Council, welcomed the proclamation. "The New Jersey Technology Council is deeply committed to initiatives that help the state's status as a leading technology center", she said. "This resolution promotes our goal by raising awareness of the value of technological literacy in our students and future workforce."



The Technology Educators Association of New Jersey also supported the resolution. "In addition to developing our future workforce, we need a pipeline of technology educators, high school teachers who can prepare students for engineering careers," said Dave Janosz, executive director.

Impetus for passage of the resolution was provided by student members of FIRST Robotics Team #75 at Hillsborough High School in Somerset County as part of FIRST's nationwide effort to get elected officials excited about technology education.


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