Volunteer Resources

FIRST and many other organizations provide a variety of resources and training for volunteers. This page contains links to manuals, documents and other resources that will increase your knowledge of FIRST and its various components.
New York City / New Jersey FIRST Regional Workshops
Technology Leadership Workshops - Six Saturday workshops designed to build the technical and team management skills of FIRST Robotics teacher-coaches and student team leaders.
Teacher Training Workshops -
A workshop series designed to introduce teachers to FIRST LEGO League (FLL), robot construction and programming using the LEGO MindStorms product.
FIRST Resources
FIRST Impact - A retrospective survey of FIRST Robotics Competition participants to provide tangible evidence of our impact on students’ education and career choices
FIRST LEGO League - The official website for FLL
FIRST Media Center - Viewable and downloadable FIRST literature for sponsors, mentors, teams, press, and the general public
FIRST Place - The official website for FIRST Place, an innovative and creative learning and development program
FIRST Robotics Competition - The official website for the FRC
FIRST Tech Challenge - The official website for the FTC
Junior FIRST LEGO League - The official website for JFLL
Volunteer FAQs - Answers to frequently asked questions about volunteering with FIRST.
Volunteer Opportunities - A wide variety of positions guided to match an individual's expertise, availability, and interests
Volunteer Profiles - A cohesive list and general information on becoming a FIRST volunteer
Volunteer Resources - A cohesive list of organizations, recognition suggestions, and other information about being a FIRST volunteer
Other Resources
ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) - The official website for the American Society of Engineering Education
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) - The official website for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) - The official website for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
FIRST Community Alumni - Official community for alumni designed to increase continued support of FIRST.
FIRST College Connect - A database of students interested in starting new FIRST teams.
FIRSTwiki - An open-content encyclopedia for the FIRST Robotics Competition
NASA Robotics Alliance - An educational program designed to increase robotics expertise in the U.S.
NEMO (Non Engineering Mentor Organization) - The official website for the FIRST Robotics Non- Engineering Mentor Organization, the support group and information exchange for adult mentors
RCU (Robot Chicks Union) - The official website for the Robot Chicks Union, advocates of the involvement of females in FIRST
Science Resources - A non-profit organization that promotes quality science and engineering education
SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) - The official website fro the Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SWE (Society of Women Engineers) - The official website for the Society of Women Engineers, advocates for women achieving their full potential in engineering careers
Do you have a volunteer resource you would like to share?